
Friday, June 10, 2011

Picumferaphobia = Fear of Spheres

"If you can draw a circle then you can draw a ball." 
~ Mark Rothko

Andy Warhol is one of my heroes and I think he has thoroughly absorbed into my soul through the years because I tend to assimilate a little bit of him into my own work -- an homage to the greatest artist of the late 20th century.

"There is no such thing as cheating in art. I use any and every thing I can to bring an idea into this world. There is no cheating." 
~ Salvador Dali

I have a collection of billiard balls (some are antique) if you haven't already guessed hehe and they have been an endless source of inspiration. To the left of the tiny MandM pool table is a small brass and mother of pearl urn that holds the ashes of my little sister. I think the symbolism I meant to convey has a lot to do withe the balance between good luck (the 7 ball) vs. bad luck (the 13 balls). And even faced with overwhelming odds good always seems to triumph over evil, or at least we want to believe that.

 "I want you to feel a spiritual presence when you approach my sculpture as if it were a living being with a soul." 
~ Debora Butterfield

For Whom the Ball Rolls: pencil, 2009 -- When I doodle it is usually a random display of simple shapes (like spheres, cylinders and cones) which I describe through the use of shadow and light. Sometimes a doodle will slowly develop into a mature, polished work of art like this one. A collector in Denver bought this piece as a gift for her daughter's wedding. Here again is the theme of chance and luck referenced in the seven/eleven combination -- which plays a pivotal roll in Casino Craps (or Bank Craps), a popular dice game.

"Sure it's an iris but at the same time you should sense a part of me."
~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Felt of Personality/Turkish Blend: acrylic on wood -- cigarettes are another thing that had been a mainstay in my still lifes for years but since I quit smoking they may just be a relic of the past.

"One must sacrifice a part of oneself and I figured I didn't really need both ears." 
~ Vincent Van Gogh

The smaller painting of the jukebox, cue stick, neck-keys of a violin and the Coke sign is in a corporate collection in Wichita now. Coke products sell like a banshee but one must take care that the execs at Coca-Cola ne'er gets wind of their brand being exploited for monetary gain. Apparently the ruling class bastards frown upon us peasants having too much to eat at one time. lol

"I don't paint to show what I am looking for but rather to reveal what I have found." 
~ Pablo Picasso

Ball Crossing: enamel on aluminum -- I found this yield sign just laying there in a ditch, I SWEAR IT, THAT'S NO LIE!! Any-hoe, I thought it would be perfect for a simple painting of a rack.

"Ceramics can be unpredictable. Every clay piece is different just as every vagina is different." 
~ Judy Chicago

1 comment:

Tom said...

These are all intriguing - you make the billiard balls come alive - freshly cleaned and polished before the game, reflecting the down lighting in such a gel-like gloss.

I like them all, but the "Yield" sign is a true case of art meeting life in form and function.